Thursday, July 21, 2011

Lucky Seven...

I have been so busy lately that I haven't posted anything recent. This is what made me remember why this photography thing all began. My babies will be seven this year. "Lucky" seven, and they aren't the ones who are lucky... I am. I have been so lucky to have been chosen to be their mom. They have been my life for the past seven years. I look at them each day and think, "Wow, they are really something". Who knew? The doctors definitely did not think that they would be who they are today. I love their little souls so much, I wouldn't know what I would do without them. What would my life have been the past seven years... not so lucky.

Happy Birthday to my loves... ~~~~ xoxoxoxo extra always for you

 "Mama, take a picture of me being Superman!"

My sweet boy...

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