Monday, May 16, 2011

The Fuel of Love

As I sit here with my little man on my lap, I think of conversations past where others have asked, "You must take something to keep yourself sane?" or "I don't know if I could do all you do, you are always so calm". Truth be told, I do take something... Love. Love for my babies is what keeps me going. God fuels me with three little so...uls love, pure and unconditional. I'm not crazy insane and I don't think that I am superwoman. I am just an ordinary mom with a craving for full on belly laughs and hearing the making of non-soapy bubbles in the bath tub. They too crave something, ordinary lives but they do have extraordinary circumstances. God bless these legs. I hope I am deserving enough to hold them always.   ~~~xoxo


Just a sneaky peek to keep Kira in suspense... Looking forward to Dan and Kira's wedding. On a side note, Mr. "W" is the cutest.   ~~~xoxo

Lemonade Stand...

Lemonade anyone?? Sugar in the basket...  ~~~xoxo


I wish he would stay this little...  He makes you wanna smooch on him all the time   ----xoxo

Tuesday, May 3, 2011