Sunday, July 24, 2011

My addiction...

I have an addiction, I love sweet babies. I can't get enough of them.  ~~~ xoxoxo

My lovey...

I'm guilty of wanting to cuddle with him all day and never wanting to leave him....   ~~~~~xoxoxo

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Lucky Seven...

I have been so busy lately that I haven't posted anything recent. This is what made me remember why this photography thing all began. My babies will be seven this year. "Lucky" seven, and they aren't the ones who are lucky... I am. I have been so lucky to have been chosen to be their mom. They have been my life for the past seven years. I look at them each day and think, "Wow, they are really something". Who knew? The doctors definitely did not think that they would be who they are today. I love their little souls so much, I wouldn't know what I would do without them. What would my life have been the past seven years... not so lucky.

Happy Birthday to my loves... ~~~~ xoxoxoxo extra always for you

 "Mama, take a picture of me being Superman!"

My sweet boy...

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Sweet Life...

This family really is awesome. I work with mom and I have enjoyed her stories of their life together since they started. Mr "G" is awesome, he is so animated and a really cool kid to be around. I love listening to life as he sees it and what can I say about these girls. They are the sweetest aren't they? I had a great time photographing them all. They are really a picture perfect family.  ~~~xoxox

Birthday love...

I got to share some birthday love with my family recently. My uncle Ben turned 35... LOL. Anyway just a few from the day with his daughter Taylor.

Cute should be spelled with a "K"...

Mr. "K" is the epitome of cuteness. Love, love, love this age. ~~~xoxo

My three sons...

My husband said there would be days like this...  I love these days =)  ~~~xoxo

Simply Beautiful...

I had the pleasure of photographing the wedding of our friends recently. The sun was setting and I was so lucky to catch it. Congratulations, you guys were great... ~~~ xoxo